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Summer news letter

​It’s been a long off season (compounded by the non-existence of last season) but our batteries are recharged and we are ready to prepare for this one coming up. A few changes have occurred over the summer months, particularly with the way we structure our meetings and how information flows between responsible committees. The general meeting agenda now includes a social hour prior to our meeting at 7pm the third Wednesday of each month at Stump City Brewing. Meetings will commence with a more stream lined flow of “Business” followed by an open floor for new presentations and discussion.

​What else has the club been working on? Well, some revisions have been made to our By Laws and will be presented for adoption at the August, 21 meeting. Elections were held at the March 2024 meeting and the governance body as well as the board of directors remains unchanged with the exception of Owen Weiss taking on the role of club Secretary. Thank you, Owen! We have appointed some new committee chairs to take leadership roles in our functioning. Club communications and membership, Frank Garti, Trail Coordinator, Nick Ruzycky, Groomer Coordinator, Scott Eutermarks, and our Website and Social Media Coordinator, Ben Ruzycky. Ben has also taken on the majority of the fund-raising logistics for the club. It’s been very successful for the club and is a huge undertaking for one person, so don’t be shy and come out and get involved. Thank you to these folks for stepping up and in some cases continuing on in these roles! Our new website is up and running and we continue to add to it. Plans are in the works for a live webcam so viewers can check out the current conditions. We will be doing another snowmobile raffle this fall, after all it has to snow eventually! And of course, the trail preparation for the upcoming season. Come to a meeting and check our postings for upcoming work weekends.

​There are really no words to describe how horrible last season was for our area. It’s easy to get discouraged and feel that your efforts are wasted however, the potential and anticipation of a good season is upon us. Fact is, we don’t want to delay opening trails or not be able to open them at all due to lack of maintenance and preparation. “Many hands make light work” so chip in where you can so we can all savor every opportunity to ride the white ribbon. Start thinking SNOW!



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